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Japanese Studies

Selected information resources on Japanese Studies at University of Michigan.


Quick start searching publications about Japan in Japanese language

Request E-books to Japanese Studies librarian

FIND / GET at U-M & Beyond

Japanese names & biographical information

Dictionaries & Kanji guide


Basic search skill -- Japanese language resource

1.  U-M Library homepage            Advance catalog search

2. Library catalog   ローマ字でさがす  Romanization library rule

大阪 おおさか osaka,   天皇 てんの Tenno,    ビール (beer)  biru  ビル (building) biru  

キッチン (kichen)kitchin    日中 (Japan China)  にっちゅう nitchu

Spacing:  デトロイト空港 detoroito kuko   君の名は    kimi no na wa      となりのトトロ tonari no totoro   日本史 Nihon shi   or  Nihonshi  

PRACTICE  成田空港  世界の中心で愛を叫ぶ    トットちゃん     日朝関係

3.  Japanese romanization

4.  Japanese names    or  -- find how to read names

PRACTICE  真藤順丈    上田岳弘    

5.  日本の新聞 Japanese language newspapers    

6. Japan Knowledge

7. 空文庫 Aozora bunko corpus Literature and essays

8. 日本語のアカデミックな論文 Japanese academic articles CiNii (not much in full-texts)

    National Diet Library Search  (search books and articles bibliographic information)

9. IIL -  Inter Library Loan

    Search WorldCat listed under "Frequently Used Databases" in the U-M Library Homepage.

 ラーメンちゃん、 ラーメン大好き(だいすき)、インスタントラーメン発明王(はつめいおう) ラーメンこうばん、 


 External Resources:

 In the NOTE section, input Accession No: OCLC: 21401868  to specify the book that you want to borrow.

10. Fun tool   For example, collect speeches by Prime Minister Abe and examine which words he most uses. 

   Search in google by 安倍首相スピーチ to find the site for speeches.   You can find the speeches by Emperor 天皇 at the Imperial Household Agency 宮内庁 homepage. 


Online courses

Japan and the World

Copy right

Research institutions / method

Bacic course research resouces


1. Library research step by step.  


   Example: "I am interested in economic reforms after the WWII in Japan."

    "reconstruction, economic reform, occupation, Japan, ...etc."

    Find keywords from book titles, Subject heading, words in abstract:  Antitrust,  Zaibatsu kaitai --> Search by Antirrust, Zaibatsu

 One book --> click Subject headings --> expand more resources,  Check other works by authors

 Read closely and check the notes: check cited materials.   Check the list of bibliography


2. Articles, and more   Try to use major databases. Ask subject librarian for specific subject databases.

   Use Google in your area, such as for Japanese language information.     Google translate

   Google Scholar              Wikipedia --> use the list of bibliography   

3. Overviews & Critical surveys

4. Dissertation & abstract

5. Global News sources

Access World News - NewsBank : includes 6 English news  sources from Japan, 60 English news sources from China.

Korea: English news sources

Global News sources Research Guide

6, Statistics  Contact Subject Specialist (Jungwon Yang, and others)

7. Media sources

Kanopy streaming site U-M only

Asian Film Online (Alexander Street) U-M only

Academic Video Online (Alexander Street) U-M only

8. Digital collections

9. Deep Blue - Documents and Data


10. Librarians who can help you.

Chinese Studies Librarian & Research guide,  Liangyu Fu,

Korean Studies Librarian & Research guide, Yunha Sung,

Japanese Studies Librarian & Research guide,  Keiko Yokota-Carter,

Southeast Asia Studies Librarian & Research guides, Fe Susan Go,

Comic, games, and popular culture -- David Carter, Video Game Archivist & Reference Librarian.

Films -- Philip Hallman, Film Studies Field Librarian.,  Film music -- Jason Imbesi

Music, Theater, Dance -- Jason Imbesi, Librarian for Music, Theatre and Dance.

Political Science and data-- Catherine Morse, Government Information, Law and Political Science Librarian.

Statistics, data -- Jungwon Yang, International Government Information and Public Policy Librarian.

News sources -- Shevon Ardeshir Desai, Clark Library Librarian for Communication and Media,

# Find Research guide and contact subject librarian

Japanese digital resources -- start up list

Greeting for prospective students

Last Updated: Mar 27, 2025 3:58 PM