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Japanese Studies

Selected information resources on Japanese Studies at University of Michigan.


Library Catalogs, Indexes, and Publishers

Visual resources

Popular culture


Performing arts

Statistics and Social Science

Public opinion



Politics and Government


Japanese Law A-Z at the University of Washington Law School Library

You can look up the history of changes to particular laws in NDL’s Abolished Laws Database [日本法令索引廃止法令検索]:

Laws change over time, and it’s important to know which specific year you want to see. The law may have changed many times between 1910 and 1945, for example. Finding “snapshots” of a law for a given point in time can be done using print publications such as various versions of “roppo” (六法) . Roppo Zensho at Law Library (2014 - ).

University of Michigan Library has a number of these annual publications going back many years. Also, each law and it’s various amendments over the years are also separately published in both 法令全書 and 官報. 

Historical Kanpō for the years 1883 (明治16)年7月2日 - 1952 (昭和27)年4月30日 is available in National Diet Library.

English gazzette Kanpō are available at the National Diet Library.



Language and Dictionaries


Okinawa Ryukyu Islands


Buddhism、Shinto, and Religion

Ainu culture アイヌ文化



Human rights issues 人権(physically challenged people, senior people...etc)

Human rights issues 人権 (被差別部落関係、ひきこもり、ホームレス、自殺防止、ヘイトクライム)

Foreiners in Japan 在日外国人 難民

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Bikini H-bomb, Fukushima, Nuclear related materials

Natural disasters: Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (1989), Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan, 2011 (Great East Japan Disaster)

Medical information


War (related to Japan)

Oral history

Web archiving collections

Whailing in Japan


Photography 写真


Literature - Pre-modern

History - medieval 中世

History - pre-modern 近世 

History - Modern (Meiji, Taisho), Contemporary (Showa, Heisei, Reiwa)

Territory isseus

Covid-19 research in Japan

NDLデジタル関連事業 資料 + 著作権法 Copyright

Diaspora from Japan to overseas

Economics, Business


Railroad Trains

Altenative life style

Education 教育

Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025 9:46 AM