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Japanese Studies

Selected information resources on Japanese Studies at University of Michigan.

JLPT Study Materials

Test-preparation books for every level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).

TADOKU extensive reading - readers, comics, illustrated books, etc

Fun reading - Inside the Japanese Book (blog)

  • illustrated  children's Books

    Note that the books are shelved by the subject of the story, so they will not all be in the same place.

    To find these books enter “Juvenile Fiction” in the Subject Field, and set Language to “Japanese” and Format to “Book”   at the bottom.


Apps and Websites

E-books at U-M and beyond

Japan-Related Student Organizations

  • Japan Student Association (JSA)

    JSA was founded to bring both Japanese and non-Japanese students together to foster a better understanding between the cultures. It is a social and educational group dedicated to providing a means for members to learn the different aspects of Japan; the people, culture, and the land.

    (From JSA’s Maize Pages profile)

  • Hyakunin-Isshu Karuta Club (HKC)

    The HKC exists to promote Japanese culture in the University of Michigan community by expanding interest in a traditional Japanese artform and sport.

    (From the HKC’s Maize Pages profile)

    The HKC has compiled their own list of Karuta-related resources.

  • Animania

    Members participate in anime related social events and put on monthly screenings for the general public including our annual convention Con Ja Nai!

    (From Animania’s Facebook page)

  • Kendo Club

    Part of the Midwest Kendo Federation (MWKF).

  • Aikido Yoshokai

    Aikido Club affiliated with the Genyokan Dojo in Ann Arbor.

Or see a very thorough list compiled by U-M's hub for all things Japan, the Center for Japanese Studies.

*Acknowledgement: This lib-guide of "Learning Japanese" was created by Cecilia Caride. April 23, 2015.

Oka Tadoku Room

Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 11:19 AM