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UMSN Global Nursing | Information Resource Toolkit

Resource for research, teaching and learning for the UMSN Global Nursing community.

Welcome to the UMSN Global Nursing community's Information Resource Toolkit.  This toolkit is a place to start investigating interdisciplinary literature, data, and other resources to better understand global health issues, international communities, health equity, and social determinants of health.

Please contact Gurpreet Rana (, Informationist to UMSN Office of Global Affairs and the WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center for additional assistance. Research consultations are available by appointment.


Nurse Cathrerine Abongo administers Malaria treatment to a child at St Elizabeth Lwak mission hospital where she was recently employed. FUNZO Kenya activity is working to increase access to training by offering loans for pre-service students and in-service health workers. Photo Credit: Eric Onyiego/ USAID Kenya

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