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A great way to find books is to visit the Fine Arts Library and browse the stacks. To look for books related to a specific subject area you may want to look for a certain Library of Congress Classification. A few broad classifications can be found below.
Call numbers that begin with these letters signify books that are related to these art topics:
N - Visual Art in General
NA - Architecture
NB - Sculpture
NC - Drawing
ND - Painting
NE - Graphic Arts
NK - Decorative Arts
NX - Art Theory
The following classifications may also be of interest:
GT - Costume
SB - Landscape Architecture and Gardening
TR - Photography
For more help understanding Library of Congress Classifications visit the LC Call Numbers Research Guide.
If you are unable to find the book you need on Library Catalog Search try requesting it through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary Loan obtains items that are not available at the University of Michigan Library for the study and research of the University's patrons, including: books, dissertations, and microforms, copies of periodical articles or short sections of books.