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EDUC 430: Teaching to Transgress

Find and evaluate resources EDUC 430 students can use while teaching elementary school social studies.

Social Media

Twitter can also be a useful online resource for keeping current on a wide range of topics.  Consider the following sites to direct you to useful Twitter accounts.  Also, there are many hashtags related to social studies teaching.

Channel One News Twitter Accounts Who to Follow? Social Studies Twitter Accounts
Suggestions from Channel One News
PBWorks Wiki Social Studies Teachers
A lengthy list of Twitter accounts compiled via a PB Wiki

The SSChat Network
6 co-moderators -- facilitating weekly livechats (Monday 7-8pm Eastern)
on #sschat since 2010 -- supporting & connecting social studies teachers at all levels

Join the WGC crew (Ed, Jen, Sam, Stewart, James & Chris
each Tuesday at 8:30 Eastern/7:30 Central for #worldgeochat #geography #geographyteacher

A collective of teachers, methods instructors, and researchers on
Facebook interested in building a robust set of resources for a
critical social studies education in the elementary grades that specifically addresses issues of equity and justice.

Blogs, Aggregators and Podcasts

Newsela is a data base of current events stories for classroom use. It has
topical categories and tries to assign a reading level to each story to help with differentiation of nonfiction reading.
American Indians in Children's Literature American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL)
Covers children's books, lesson plans, films, and other items related to the
topic of American Indians and/or how this topic is taught.
Book Savors Book Savors
Reviews of newer and older books. Recommendations for using the text in
writing or reading.
Interesting Nonfiction for Kids (I.N.K.) I.N.K. - Interesting Nonfiction for Kids
Unique nonfiction authors and books. Sunsetted in 2014.
Waking Brain Cells Waking Brain Cells
Covers book reviews and other children's and YA literature news.
Visions of Education
A podcast that brings fuzzy ideas in education into focus.


Children's Literature Websites

Here is a great list of sites about children's literature in general.

Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023 12:58 PM