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EDUC 430: Teaching to Transgress

Find and evaluate resources EDUC 430 students can use while teaching elementary school social studies.

Comprehensive Classroom Subject Resources

These sites have lesson plans and ideas for a multitude of topics and can be used for almost any social studies classroom.

Mr. Donn's Site for Kids and Teachers Mr. Donn's Site for Kids & Teachers
While the site looks a little dated, Mr. Donn's social studies resources
site has been used for YEARS by teachers in multiple subjects and
grades. It's a good clearinghouse for many social studies resources.

Teaching Social Studies Inquiry and Argument Writing with Sources
Various lesson plans using the Read. Inquire. Write method.

Learning for Justice
Formerly Teaching Tolerance, Learning for Justice provides free resources
to educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners
who work with children from kindergarten through high school in order to help them educate children and youth to be active participants in a diverse democracy.

Zinn Education Project
The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of
people’s social studies in classrooms across the country.
NCSS Online Teacher's Library NCSS Online Teacher's Library
Online resources from the National Council for the Social Studies
National Education Association's Social Studies Lesson Plans
These resources can be filtered by grade level. Some lessons include
activities that focus on incorporating children's literature into the social
studies curriculum.
New York Times: The Learning Network Blog
All the lesson plans from the New York Times' Learning Network blog.
Pintrest: Elementary Social Studies Teaching Resources Elementary Social Studies Teaching Resources
Teaching resources that cover a wide variety of social studies topics
including geography, history, economics, and politics. 
Wikipedia Wikipedia
The Free Encyclopedia
World History and Timelines World History and Timelines
Major events in world history compiled by Infoplease.

C3 Inquiries Archive
C3 Teachers published these inquiries through their work on the New York State Social Studies K-12 Resource Toolkit project.

Oakland County School's Curriculum Units
Includes lesson plans, graphics, timelines, and standard mapping.


Classroom Tools

These sites provide online tools that can help you make puzzles, timelines, activity sheets, and other classroom materials.

Discovery Education Puzzle Maker

Discovery Education Puzzlemaker
Free puzzle generation tools.

Top 10 Free Timeline Top 10 Free Timeline Creation Tools for Teachers
Various tools to help your students create timelines. Look for tools that allow
your students to include images and easily save their work.
National Archives Docs Teach Docs Teach
The online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives.
Learning the Continents through Songs and Poems Learning the Continents Through Songs & Poems
Songs & Poems about the continents using lyrics from well-known verses. Social Studies Worksheets's Social Studies Worksheets and Printables
Various downloadable ideas that you might use to supplement your instruction.


Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023 12:58 PM