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EDUC 430: Teaching to Transgress

Find and evaluate resources EDUC 430 students can use while teaching elementary school social studies.

Learn More About Economics

These resources will help you learn more about various aspects in economics.  They are written in easily accessible language and will provide background knowledge on a variety of economic concepts.

Council for Economic Education Understanding Economics in Civics and Government
An online textbook by the Council for Economic Education geared toward
high school students with activities for high school students. It will provide
good background knowledge for teachers. Includes a glossary for every
topic in the textbook.
Economics by Khan Academy Economics and Finance
Khan Academy's high school courses related to economics and finance.
Understanding Economics by the IMF Understanding Economics: Back to Basics
The IMF's description of basic economic concepts.
Economics Glossary by the Economist Economics Glossary
The Economist's glossary of economic terms with internal links to other economic concepts.

Economics Classroom Resources

These resources include lesson plans and other materials that will help you teach economics.  You may find the Social Studies page very helpful as well.

Council for Economic Education

Includes economic topics, lessons, and interactive online lessons that
can be sorted by concept, grade level and type by the Council for 
Economic Education. Some materials include narrative children's literature
options such as Ruby and Max and Uncle Jed's Barbershop.

Early elementary lessons in economics from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Many lessons include children's literature.

Resources for Educators from the American Economic Association Resources for Educators
American Economic Association's resources for economic educators at
all levels
Resources, including video clips, using The Big Bang Theory to teach economics.
An online textbook by the Council for Economic Education geared toward
high school students with activities for high school students. It will provide
good background knowledge for teachers. Includes a glossary for every
topic in the textbook.


Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023 12:58 PM