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EDUC 430: Teaching to Transgress

Find and evaluate resources EDUC 430 students can use while teaching elementary school social studies.

Learn More About History

These resources will help you learn more about various aspects in history.  They are written in easily accessible language and will provide background knowledge on a variety of historical concepts and time periods.

Wikipedia History of the United States

History of the United States
Wikipedia's U.S. History entry including a chronological explanation
of many aspects of U.S. History.

U.S. History Timeline U.S. History Timeline
Major events in U.S. History from 1600 to the present. Compiled
by Infoplease.
Michigan Historical Information Michigan Historical Information
Various Michigan facts and state historical data on the Michigan
Kids Website.
Native American History Native American History's website about Native American History.
African American History African-American History
Wikipedia entry about many aspects of the African American
Timeline Special: Women in the United States
A side-by-side timeline of women's history beside common U.S. History
created by the New York Times Magazine.

History Classroom Resources

These resources include lesson plans and other materials that will help you teach history. You may find the Social Studies page very helpful as well. 

Founded in 2002, a research team, including Chauncey Monte-Sano,
created this group focused on improving teacher education.  
The Reading Like a Historian curriculum is especially helpful.

Maryland Public Television

U.S. History Inquiry Kits
Explore this collection of inquiry kits that allows students to select a
research topic of interest and evaluate themed primary sources from
the Library of Congress. From life in the early American colonies to the modern-day role of the United States, the inquiry kits examine social studies themes.

Historical Thinking Matters
Another resource with lesson plans and materials
to help you teach students to read like historians.

Facing History and Ourselves
Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to
challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.
Big History Project  
Big History examines our past, explains our present, and imagines
our future
Teaching History
Various resources to help instructors teach history from the National History
Education Clearinghouse

National Geographic Education Resource Library
Includes games, some that are interactive, which allows students to virtually
experience history and cultures including the Salem Witch Trials and the
Underground Railroad. Includes downloadable Educator's Guide.

Teaching History with Technology

Teaching History with Technology
From the web site: "Explore inquiry-based lessons, activities and projects.
Learn about web technologies such as blogs, podcasts, wikis, social
networks, Google Docs, ebooks, online maps, virtual field trips, screen
casts, online posters, and more.

Best of History Websites

Best of History Websites
Various recommended lesson plan sites from edtechteacher.

Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023 12:58 PM