Non Fiction Books
Here are some call numbers to get you started. These call numbers may help you find books via location, since books with the same subject material tend to be shelved together. This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the call numbers relating to children's literature in the library.
E58 - E99 Native American History
E101 - E120 Columbus and early explorers
E188 - E278 American Revolution
E301 - E342 Early American History and Presidents
F390 - F1219 Western Expansion
E441 - E451 Slavery (including Harriet Tubman)
E453 - E672 Civil War, Lincoln, Emancipation
D522 - D802 WWI, WWII, Resistance to Nazis
D804 - D810 Holocaust
E184 - E186 Civil Rights (includes civil rights leaders)
DS557 - DS560 Vietnam War
E741 - E909 American Presidents and Politicians
HQ1121 - HQ1587 Women's Rights
KF4520 - KF8745 Constitution, Supreme Court
G1021 - GA408 Atlases and Maps
HC105 Industrial Revolution
HC106 Great Depression
HG221 Money/Currency
HG179 Economics
If you cannot find a children's book you are looking for, check your local public library - for example, search the Ann Arbor District Library (AADL) online catalog.
The Children's Literature Collection moved from the basement of Shapiro to 3 South Hatcher on
September 16, 2016.
Searching the Catalog
You will need to know the call number, status, and location of the book before you can find it in the library. See Searching the Online Catalog (Library Catalog Search) in the Children's Literature Research Guide for instructions on how to obtain this information. You can go directly to Advanced Library Catalog Search as well.
NoveList K-8 Plus
NoveList provides picture book and young adult book information indexed by subject, age, awards won, Lexile Reading levels, Common Core standards, books made into movies, and other categories.
Finding Children's eBooks in the Library
The University of Michigan Library has purchased a public library collection from Proquest Ebook Central. Included in this collection are several children's ebooks.
Be advised that the content of this collection changes rapidly and without notice. Visit the Help menus within the ebrary interface for information about using the interface.
Click here for a direct link to Proquest Ebook Central children's literature content. Navigate to the Juvenile Literature link from the Subjects page.
Use Library Search to see results from the catalog, articles, databases, online journals and library website pages.