Try these keywords when searching in different databases to find different types of primary sources:
The Bentley Historical Library on North Campus includes both the official University of Michigan archives and materials related to the history of the state. Direct links to various primary source search interfaces are linked below. You will need to make arrangements to view specific materials in the physical collection. See the Contact Us page for more information.
These are selected digital collections in which you might find primary sources. Be advised that almost every state has a digital collections site and so do many universities.
National Archives: Educator Resources |
American Memory (Library of Congress) |
The New York Public Library Digital Collections A living database with new materials added every day, featuring prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more. |
OAIster An open archive of millions of digital materials from libraries around the world. |
The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960-1974 Brings the 1960s alive through diaries, letters, autobiographies and other memoirs, written and oral histories, manifestos, government documents, memorabilia, and scholarly commentary. |
Civil Rights Movement Veterans Stories, poetry, audio recordings, and other primary sources about the Civil Rights Movement. |
Inquiry in the Upper Midwest Project |
Proquest Historical Newspapers |
Google News Archives Digitized newspaper content, including historical material. |
America's Historical Newspapers Early American newspapers 1690-1922. *Only Available to Current University of Michigan Students* |
17th-18th Century Burney Newspapers Many of the Burney newspapers are well known, but many pamphlets and broadsides also included have remained largely hidden. Covers 1604- 1804.*Only Available to Current University of Michigan Students* |
African American Newspapers: The 19th Century Several digitized African-American newspapers, including papers from the Civil War era. *Only Available to Current University of Michigan Students* |
Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 Features hundreds of Hispanic American newspapers, including many long scattered and forgotten titles published in the 19th century. *Only Available to Current University of Michigan Students* |