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EDUC 430: Teaching to Transgress

Find and evaluate resources EDUC 430 students can use while teaching elementary school social studies.

Civics Call Numbers

Use the Advanced Search in Library Catalog Search to limit your search to the Children's Literature collection.  It is easy to do keyword searching from there.  You can also visit the collection and search the shelves with these call numbers to browse books about civics.

KF4520 - KF8745 Constitution, Supreme Court

Learn More About Civics

These resources will help you learn more about various aspects in civics.  They are written in easily accessible language and will provide background knowledge on a variety of civic concepts.

Branches of Government's simple explanation of the organization of the U.S. Government.
Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government
The most well-known online resource to understanding civics and
government for elementary students.
National Standards for Civics and Government: Glossary
A glossary of common civics terms.
U.S. Government Political Science Terms
A glossary of specifically political terms created by Sparknotes.

Civics Classroom Resources

These resources include lesson plans and other materials that will help you teach civics.  You may find the Social Studies page very helpful as well.

We the Civics Kids
The National Constitution Center's Educational Resources website. 
Includes a Civics in Literature section that helps teachers incorporate
children's literature into civics education.

Interactive civics games for kids including online games that simulate
running for president and passing new laws.
Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government
The most well-known online resource to understanding civics and
government for elementary students.