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UMSN Global Nursing | Information Resource Toolkit

Resource for research, teaching and learning for the UMSN Global Nursing community.
The information and data resources in this toolkit are meant to take a deeper dive or supplement the topics shared in the 2024 UMSN Global Health Summer Institute sessions.  All content is openly accessible.

Keynote | No One Left Behind: Mental Health for the Marginalized in Low Resource Settings

 Maya Bizri  (LinkedIn Profle) is a Consultation Liaison Psychiatrist and a global mental health consultant. She also holds an MPH from Tufts. After starting her clinical career in Beirut in 2019, a time where the country was undergoing political, economic and COVID-19 challenges, and having started the first psycho oncology program mid-pandemic and Beirut blast, her interests shifted to global mental health. More particularly, Dr. Bizri is interested in addressing the mental health of healthcare workers in disaster, conflict and low-resource settings. She’s been on resiliency training missions for healthcare workers in Ukraine for training in trauma-informed care and in Gaziantep for substance use trainings. Clinically, Dr. Bizri's interests lie in delirium management, psycho-oncology and transplant psychiatry. 

World Health Organization. (2022). Mental health in emergencies. Retrieved on April 4, 2024 from

Abou-Abbass, H., El Sheikh, W. G., Bizri, M., Tamim, H., Al-Hajj, S., Karout, L., Allouch, F., Chehade, R., Ghannam, M., Fares, Y., Nasser, Z., Harati, H., & Kobeissy, F. (2024). Cultural assimilation of adult Syrian refugees in Lebanon: Effect modification by religiosity and sex on the relation between cultural adversities and common mental health disorders. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. doi:10.1037/tra0001671. Epub ahead of print.

Bizri, M., Kassir, G., Tamim, H., Kobeissy, F., & Hayek, S. E. (2022). Psychological distress experienced by physicians and nurses at a tertiary care center in Lebanon during the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(6), 1288-1300.

Charlson, F., van Ommeren, M., Flaxman, A., Cornett, J., Whiteford, H., & Saxena, S. (2019). New WHO prevalence estimates of mental disorders in conflict settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet, 394(10194), 240-248.

Palmer, J., Ku, M., Wang, H. et al. Public health emergency and psychological distress among healthcare workers: a scoping review. BMC Public Health 22, 1396 (2022).

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Research/Policy Breakout Session | Advocating for Best Practice Processes when Conducting Global Research

Edilma Yearwood is an Associate Professor and faculty in the Georgetown University School of Nursing. She is the Senior Advisor for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Anti-Racism. Dr. Yearwood received her BSN from the University of Connecticut, her MA in Nursing from New York University, and her PhD in Nursing from Adelphi University. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Child and Family at New York University and a postdoctoral fellowship in Nursing Research at the University of Pennsylvania. She is an American Academy of Nursing (AAN) Fellow and has held numerous positions in the International Society of Psychiatric Nurses including serving as President of the organization. She is the President-Elect of the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice (formerly Orthopsychiatry), an interdisciplinary 100-year-old organization. She was a Fulbright Senior Specialist from 2007-2012 and did her Fulbright immersion in Jamaica. In January 2022, she became Editor of the journal Archives of Psychiatric Nursing where she leads one of the nationally recognized psychiatric nursing journals. She is lead editor and contributing author of two textbooks, Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care Practitioners in Nursing and the Routledge Handbook of Global Mental Health Nursing: Evidence, Practice and Empowerment.  Dr. Yearwood teaches mental health nursing, undergraduate research to honors nursing students, and a university-wide health equity course. She helped develop the PhD in Nursing Program at Georgetown that will commence in fall 2024 and will also teach in that program. Her research interests include mental health of immigrant youth, mood dysregulation, youth empowerment, community-based participatory action, and social determinants of health. She is Project Director of a HRSA grant titled, Nurturing Child Well-Being: Educating Communities on Social Determinants of Health.

Pearson, G. S., Hines-Martin, V. P., Evans, L. K., York, J. A., Kane, C. F., & Yearwood, E. L. (2015). Addressing gaps in mental health needs of diverse, at-risk, underserved, and disenfranchised populations: A call for nursing action. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 29(1), 14-18.

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Clinical Breakout Session | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Responses: Perspectives of a Clinical Social Worker

Joshua Lee is a Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Technical Advisor at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent's Psychosocial Support Centre based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has worked in providing MHPSS in humanitarian settings in Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, and Ukraine with a range of local and international organizations and the UN. Joshua is a clinical social worker and alum from the University of Michigan School of Social work (2014-2015) concentrating on children, youth, and families and international social work as a Global Activities Scholar. Poster masters, Joshua completed at the Yale Child Study Center's Advanced Clinical Social Work Fellowship and the Veterans Affairs Interprofessional Fellowship in Psychosocial Rehabilitation.

International Federation of the Red Cross Psychosocial Centre. (2019). A roadmap for implementing International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement commitments on addressing mental health and psychosocial needs 2020-2023. Retrieved April 4, 2024. 

SAN MARCOS, L. I. N. D. A. (2023). Chapter 7: Psychological Support Migration Appeal to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in the Americas Region. in Prewitt Diaz, J.O. (Ed.). (2023). Mental Health and Psychosocial Support during the COVID-19 Response: An Overview (1st ed.). Apple Academic Press.

Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 3:43 PM