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Digital Scholarship

Introduction to digital scholarship resources, tools, and projects


At the U-M Library, “digital scholarship” is a broad term that applies to a range of scholarly activities. Many researchers will be familiar with the term "digital humanities," but digital scholarship is often used in libraries to refer to digital research and teaching that is discipline agnostic.

When we talk about the library's support for digital scholarship, we are thinking about how we support research and teaching that relies on digital evidence, the use of digital methods to answer research questions, and the use of digital tools for creating, authoring, and publishing. We also include digital curation and preservation, digital use and reuse of scholarship, and digital pedagogy. Digital scholarship can be any form of research or pedagogy that involves digital tools. 

Digital scholarship may make use of participatory culture, open source tools, and Open Access, while also working towards greater transparency and ethics. Our work in the library relies on people, as well as information and data, various digital tools, methods, platforms, and infrastructures.

This guide provides a basic introduction to finding digital scholarship tools, communities, and support. Curious about digital scholarship, have an idea, or are stuck on how to get started? Contact the library's digital scholarship experts at with any questions.

How to use this guide

This guide provides a basic introduction to finding digital scholarship tools, communities, and support.

Curious about digital scholarship, have an idea, or are stuck on how to get started? You can check out the Intro to Digital Scholarship workshop facilitated by the library's digital scholarship experts and the workshops on digital scholarship tools and methods offered through the Teaching and Technology Collaborative for this year.   

You can also contact the team at with any questions or schedule a consultation.

Introductory Reading on Digital Scholarship

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 10:19 AM