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Digital Scholarship

Introduction to digital scholarship resources, tools, and projects

Introduction to Finding & Building a Community

Many of the fields that comprise digital scholarship, such as digital humanities, have long had a DIY (do-it-yourself) ethic, including their approach to community and professional organizations.

For these communities, X (formerlyTwitter) has been a powerful tool for connecting scholars. For example, take a look at the search results from #digitalhumanities for a general view of the field, or search for more specific areas such as #BlackDH or #transformDH to connect with other scholars in your area of study. Joining the scholarly conversation happening on Twitter is a great way to meet like-minded individuals, participate in ongoing conversations, or learn from the experience of others.

Below, you'll find additional communities, spaces, and networks that can help orient you to the digital scholarship or digital humanities space. Please note that this resource is not exhaustive.

Digital Scholarship Communities at U-M

General Digital Scholarship & Digital Humanities Organizations

Organizations & Conferences

A number of traditional academic societies and non-traditional organizations are providing space for critical discussion of digital humanities and digital tools. 

Many professional organizations like the the Modern Language Association, the American Studies Association, or the American Historical Association have digital humanities caucuses, publish tenure and promotion guidelines for evaluating digital scholarship, and publish special issues dedicated to digital research. If your professional organization hasn't yet offered DH programming, use the DH community resources listed in this guide to find other like-minded individuals in your field to organize such programming yourself.

In addition, we share information about non-academic organizations working at the intersection of technology, media, and community organizing. 

Digital Humanities Labs and Centers at Other Institutions

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 10:19 AM