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Social Work

Most comprehensive guide to resources for social work research at the University of Michigan.

Demographics and General Statistics

General Statistics & Demographics

  • ProQuest Statistical Insight
    Provides indexes, abstracts and some full-text to federal, state and international statistics. Many of the items indexed are available on the web once you find a title within this database.
  • Sage Data
    Provides access to statistical information produced by U.S. Federal agencies, private companies, and intergovernmental organizations. Create maps and reports from data you select from over 640 datasets.  Subjects include health, crime, population, finance, industry, and marketing.
  • ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States
    ProQuest has taken over the publication of this annually published statistical resource after the United States discontinued publication in 2012. 
  • Social Explorer
    Social Explorer provides easy access to demographic information about the United States. It includes U.S. Census data from 1790 to present as well as data on religions and churches in the U.S. Users can easily create maps or reports within this library database.
  • Simply Map
    Simply Map is another library database with data from the U.S. Census, Center for Disease Control & Prevention and other sources. Create maps or reports for specific geographic areas using this tool.
  • Mapping the Measure of America
    The American Human Development Project, affiliated with the Social Science Research Council developed this tool which shows data on health, education and income in easy to understand graphics.
  • Poverty Solutions Data Tools - U-M National Poverty Center
    Statistical tools on poverty in Michigan and the U.S.
  • Statista
    Statista includes ready-made statistical charts, graphs and tables on marketing, demographics, communication, technology, politics, health, leisure and public opinion polls.  About 20 percent of the data in Statista comes from government sources like the World Bank and the U.S. Census.  The rest comes from industry, marketing, and trade groups. The tables, charts and graphs can be downloaded as images or into Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel.

Child & Family Statistics

Child & Family

  • Child Welfare Information Gateway - Statistics 
    Reports, databases and demographics on children, fostercare and families in the U.S.
  • Kids Count Data Center 
    An important source of data on child well-being on the state and city level. This site, sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation provides data on teen births, children in poverty, prenatal risk factors, as well as demographic, health, education and family well-being data.
  • How Many Children are Poor? -- Institute for Research on Poverty 
    A clear explaination of child poverty with links to a number of useful resources for statistics and additional information.
  • Children's Defense Fund
    The Children Defense Fund Research Library provides U.S. Census data related to children, state data related to children and a database for finding publications and information on children at risk.

Federal Government Sources

State & Local Statistics

State and Local Statistics

  • South East Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)
    Data, maps and aerial images of southeastern Michigan communities. This site offers community profile information listed by city, county or the entire area of southeast Michigan.
  • Statistics & Demographic Data
    Links to U.S. Census and Demographic data for Michigan
  • Michigan School Data
    The state of Michigan's Center for Educational Performance & Information provides data on dropout rates, MEAP scores and other measures for early childhood, K-12, post-secondary students and the connections between education and education work and wages
  • Kids Count - Michigan 
    Data on the state of Michigan and many Michigan cities related to the well-being of Michigan children.
  • Kids Count in Michigan - Michigan League for Human Services
    Additional sources of information published by the Michigan League for Human Services, Michigan's Children and the Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • Michigan Labor Market Information
    Michigan state, county and city unemployment rates, industrial information, wage information and more.
  • City of Ann Arbor Data Catalog
    Links to data collected by the city of Ann Arbor which can be mapped using Google Earth or ArcGIS.
  • Data Driven Detroit
    Data Driven Detroit (D3) provides accessible, high-quality information and analysis to drive informed decision-making to strenthen communities in Southeast Michigan. The site provides U.S. Census data mapped to neighborhood levels.
  • Michigan County Health Rankings
    A project sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, these rankings include statistics on morbidity, mortality, health behavior, clinical care and economic factors related to health at the county level.

Health Statistics


Poverty Statistics


Crime Statistics


    Select a city and date range to map the number and types of crimes committed over that time period.
  • FBI Uniform Crime Reports
    A compilation of annual crime statistics for the United States
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
    Provides statistics on corrections, federal law enforcement, courts, victims of crime and  types of crime. This site also offeres several special data analysis tools.

Data or Statistics?

What's the difference between data and statistics? 

  • Do you want quick facts or numbers on a topic? Not interested in manipulating these facts?

    Then you're likely interest in STATISTICS


  • Do you plan on do your own analysis and interpretation of the information collected? 

    Then you're interested in finding DATA or DATA SETS

    Data from Excel spreadsheet


Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 10:37 AM
Subjects: Social Sciences
Tags: social work