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Social Work

Most comprehensive guide to resources for social work research at the University of Michigan.

Using the Library Catalog

To look for books, journals, videos, or other materials that are available online, you can use the Library Search advanced search option as illustrated below. Add your search terms, then click the box labeled Available online. Then click on the search button. (To look for journal articles, try using one of the databases on the list of article databases.)


Image of advanced library search screen highlighting location of Available online checkbox

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar includes millions of articles, books, legal materials, and much more that Google has decided is "scholarly" based on their proprietary algorithm. We don't know what is in Google Scholar and we can't assume it has everything -- though it most certainly has a LOT of content. In order to connect the results of your Google Scholar search to materials that the Library makes available for you, you have to use Google Scholar with MGet It links. If you go to Google Scholar without using the Library link, you will probably be asked to pay for access to materials. We may already have this or can get it for you through Document Delivery (sse this service for scans and to borrow material not available at U-M Libraries). If you don't see a link for availability, check the catalog to be sure or ask the social work librarian or the Ask a Librarian staff for help.


Google Scholar search results with Availability at UMichigan link highlighted

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 10:37 AM
Subjects: Social Sciences
Tags: social work