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Biological Station

Library resources for students and researchers at the U-M Biological Station in Pellston.


This guide will highlight some of the resources that are most commonly used at the Biological Station.

The University of Michigan Biological Station is a field station located on Douglas Lake in Pellston, Michigan. Founded in 1909, the Biological Station has been a leader in field research for over 100 years. This campus, situated on 10,000 acres, allows students and faculty to work closely to study environmental change and to develop interdisciplinary solutions to the environmental problems that we face as a planet.

The Library contains over 10,000 volumes, along with access to all of the electronic materials available through the U-M Library system. Items not available may be requested for delivery (during summer semester only). A Librarian is on duty during the summer semester to aid with research and reference. The Library is non-circulating and is therefore open 24 hours to allow researchers full access to the contents of the library.  Please do not remove any item from the library to ensure that everyone has access to the materials.  

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Navigating the Biological Station Library

The Biological Station library has two floors:

Main reading room: In this area, you will find the reserve tables. These are set up at the beginning of each term and are labelled with the name of the instructor. There are several computer terminals that are connected to the internet for use by students and researchers. Because they are hardwired, access to library resources does not require authentication. The main reference desk is at the back of the Library and is staffed by a Librarian in the summer term. There are also file cabinets near the reference desk that contain the articles that have been published based on work done at the Station. Books classified with the Dewey Decimal Classification system (which tend to be the older materials in the collection) are shelved along the walls and in the center stacks of the main room. The shelves running through the middle of the room also contain the reference collection, oversize books, unbound periodicals, and the newly-acquired books.

Upstairs: All books that are classified with Library of Congress Classification are housed upstairs. These tend to be the newest books in the collection. There are also counters and seats for private study.

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This guide was originally created by Emily Newberry during her tenure as UMBS Summer Librarian.

Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 1:11 PM