Webinar link: https://umich.zoom.us/j/92683625876
Date & Time: Thursday, July 27, 12 noon-1:00 pm Eastern (Detroit/Michigan) Time
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Registration: None required
Accessibility: Live CART captioning; transcript available with recording. Please contact Whitney Townsend (whitneyt@umich.edu) to discuss additional accommodations by Monday, July 24 2023.
Recorded: Yes; scroll down to see recording
Files: .pptx slide download | .pdf slide download | via Google Drive
Presenters: LaTeesa James, Mark MacEachern, Carol Shannon, Whitney Townsend (all Informationists at the University of Michigan Taubman Health Sciences Library)
Introducing: Systematic Search Practice Sets
Informationists at the University of Michigan Taubman Health Sciences Library created the "Systematic Search Practice Sets" site as a place to help information professionals bridge the experience gap between systematic search training sessions and engagement in a real live evidence synthesis project. While we all learn "on the job", it can be challenging to find ways to practice systematic searching in an asynchronous, instant feedback, self-driven format with lower stakes than an active evidence synthesis project.
This webinar will start with an overview of search lessons learned over a decade of teaching the U-M "Systematic Reviews for Librarians" workshop, and then introduce participants to the "Systematic Search Practice Sets" open Canvas site.
Relevant Links:
This recording is 53 minutes long and includes a closed caption option and a rolling, searchable, downloadable transcript.