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String Resources

This is a guide to locating information and materials related to string instruments in the Music Library.

Violin Instruction & Study

Capet, Lucien. Superior bowing technique: for violin.
MT 267 .C243 2004

Courvoisier, Karl. The technique of violin playing: the Joachim method.
MT 260 .C85 2006

Fischer, Simon. Basics: 300 exercises and practice routines for the violin.
MT 265 .F57 1997

Galamian, Ivan. Principles of violin playing & teaching.
MT 262 .G15 1985

Jacoby, Robert. Violin technique: a practical analysis for performers.
MT 260 .J17

Menuhin, Yehudi. Life class: thoughts, exercises, reflections of an itinerant violinist.
MT 260 .M54

Perkins, Marianne Murray. A comparison of violin playing techniques: Havas, Kato, Paul Rolland and Shinichi Suzuki.
MT 260 .P47 1995

Rush, Mark. Playing the violin: an illustrated guide.
MT 260 .R87 2006

Schradieck, Henry. The school of violin technics: complete, books 1-3; and, Complete scale studies.
MT 265 .S38 S4 2011

Trott, Josephine. Melodious double-stops: for violin, complete books I and II.
MT 271 .T86 2007

Violin History, Construction & Instrumentalists

Abele, Hyacinth. The violin & its story: or the history & construction of the violin.
ML 802 .A143

Agus, Ayke. Heifetz as I knew him.
ML 418 .H46 A48 2001

Alburger, Mary Anne. Scottish fiddlers and their music.
ML 3655 .A34

Beament, James. The violin explained: components, mechanism, and sound.
ML 802 .B251 2000

Boyden, David D. The history of violin playing from its origins to 1761 and its relationship to the violin and violin music.
ML 850 .B71 1989

Cremer, Lothar. The physics of the violin.
ML 3805 .C923

Faber, Toby. Stradivarius: one cello, five violins and a genius.
ML 424 .S9 F33 2004

Johnson, Chris and Roy Courtnall. The art of violin making.
ML 802 .J641 1999

Kolneder, Walter. The Amadeus book of the violin.
ML 800 .K823 1998

Malan, Roy. Efrem Zimbalist: a life.
ML 418 .Z56 M35 2004

Menuhin, Yehudi. The violin: an illustrated history.
ML 800 .M36 2009

Roth, Henry. Violin virtuosos: from Paganini to the 21st century.
ML 398 .R85 1997

Rowe, M.W. Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst: virtuoso violinist.
ML 418 .E72 R68 2008

Schoenbaum, David. The violin: a social history of the world's most versatile instrument.
ML 800 .S326 2013

Wali, Kameshwar C. Cremona violins: a physicist's quest for the secrets of Stradivari.
ML 830.8 .C74 W35 2010

Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 11:31 PM