To contact anyone at THL, use this email:
EHS: Carol Shannon
Epid: LaTeesa James , Gurpreet Rana (Global Epid)
Global Health: Gurpreet Rana
HBHEQ: Kate Saylor
HMP: Judy Smith
Nutritional Sciences: Carol Shannon
Welcome to the general guide for the SPH community. If you've been searching for 20 minutes or longer and can't find what you're looking for, feel free to give us a call! Your library informationist can:
The departmental guides, linked to the left on this page, provide detailed lists of information sources to help answer your research questions. Each departmental guide lists the best sources for finding statistical data, articles, and facts for topics of particular interest to your department's faculty, students, and other researchers.
Find your official School of Information research guide through the link below. The public health informationists at THL are also available to assist you as needed.
Remember, you can contact the informationist for your department.
The resources below may also be helpful.