General Search Terms
Video games
Videogames (one word)
Electronic games
Computer games
Internet games
Online games
Game Studies Specific Terms
Video games AND History
Video games AND psychology
computer games AND psychology
Computer games AND History
Computer games AND psychological aspects
Video games AND social aspects
Computer games AND social aspects
Video games and children
For more information on what databases are, what kinds of databases the University of Michigan Library subscribes to, and how to best utilize them in your research into video game studies and other topics of interest, please see the Finding Articles article in the Essentials of Library Research guide. This article provides general facts on databases, as well as how to use some of the major databases the library subscribes to.
For finding academic articles about video games and game research, we recommend using the U-M Library Articles Search (filter by 'Articles from Scholarly Journals Only' in the search results screen.)
The additional databases listed below also include links to full text articles and journals pertaining to computer and video game studies research, analysis, criticism, and other writings on the field.