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Language Learning

Suggests resources around U-M campus and online to help with your language learning journey.

Language Learning on Campus

The University of Michigan offers a multitude of classes, resources, and opportunities to help you with your language-learning journey. Below are some of the centers and departments around campus that you have access to as a student. 

  • Language Departments
    The University of Michigan offers many different languages students can take to fulfill their language requirement. A list of these can be found at the Language Resource Center's Website. For specific questions about class offerings, proficiency tests, and academic advising, it's always best to reach out to the specific department that offers the language you're looking to learn.
  • Language Resource Center
    The Language Resource Center located on the first floor of North Quad manages a collection of resources relating to learning a new language such as grammar books and dictionaries as well as a collection of popular books in foreign languages for language learners who want to build up their reading proficiencies. In addition to their print and audio materials, the Language resource center also maintains a collection of foreign language films, games, and subscribes to several popular language-learning apps such as Mango Languages and Yabla.
  • University Library
    The University Library collections are another great place to find foreign language materials and resources such as books or articles on language learning. The Asia Library is a fantastic resource for those looking specifically for resources in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Additionally, Askwith Media Library has a wide collection of films including some foreign language films.
  • English Language Institute
    The University of Michigan has a dedicated center specifically for international students hoping to improve their English and for students hoping to teach English abroad. The English Language Institute offers courses, workshops, clinics, and academic advising relating to English learning and teaching. 

Language-Specific Guides

Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 12:38 PM