English journal with reviews and articles about Asian music, instruments, and plays, analyzing their history and societal roles. (Print available. Call number: ML 1 .A83)
Focuses on Asian "traditional and modern theatrical forms" through articles, plays, translations, reviews, and reports. (Print available. Call number: 822.95 A83)
Introduces scripted dramas by Pacific Island playwrights since the late 1960s and their development, overviewing significant works in English, French, local vernaculars, and lingua francas.
Describes twenty-five important theatrical forms from eight Southeast Asian countries grouped by "folk, court, popular, or Western theatre," while considering their origins, art, role in society, and "function as a medium of communication."
Collection of essays by Indigenous leaders, educators and non-Indigenous scholars about "how traditional music and dance have responded to colonial control in the past," contemporary cultural performance, and creativity in music.
"Offers a comprehensive analysis of traditional and contemporary" music to show the challenges facing Austronesian cultures in three main sections, Madagascar, Oceania, and Southeast Asia.
"This volume studies the various experiences, motivations and aims for dance, emerging from the voices of dance professionals" in Oceania and the South Pacific.