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Philippine Studies

Print and digital resources on the Philippines.

The American Colonial Period


Welcome to the Philippines Studies Research Guide! The purpose of this research guide is to provide a comprehensive list of all Philippine collections here in the United States for undergraduate students, graduate students, PhD candidates, and scholars. Certain pages on this website will highlight overlooked materials at the University of Michigan for students and scholars who would otherwise be unaware of such sources. We hope you enjoy this resource and all it has to offer. 

Philippine Studies at the University of Michigan


The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) is one of the largest programs on Southeast Asian Studies in the United States. Since the 1870’s, Michigan scholars have been engaged in research, education, politics, and service relating to South and Southeast Asia. The Center hosts over 40 Southeast Asia specialists and has produced over 195 M.A. and 245 Ph.D. students since its inception. A number of Southeast Asian languages are taught at the Center, including Filipino, Indonesian, Tagolog, Thai and Vietnamese, with readings in Burmese, Khmer, Javanese and Old Javanese (Kawi) available as well.

Besides the Worcester Philippine Collection, the Center is also affiliated with a number of other library collections at the University of Michigan. Collections include some 158,400 volumes in Western and Asian languages, the Gedney Collection of Thai materials, and an archive of over 100,000 photos and slides donated by the Southeast Asia Art Foundation.

Last Updated: Sep 9, 2021 7:52 AM