Below is a list of Winter 2025 College of Engineering course textbooks that are available electronically through the library. Click on your class department abbreviation to see if your textbook is available. To access the electronic version, click on the title of the book, then click on the "Available Online" link that appears in the catalog record. If you run into problems accessing an ebook, please report them to Ask a Librarian.
THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TEXTBOOK LIST. Books listed here may be either required textbooks or supplemental texts. Your faculty will provide you the titles of required textbooks for your classes
For a listing of e-textbooks for classes in your department, click on the department abbreviation below.
AERO 573 (Jia-Richards)
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control by F. Landis Markley. 1st ed. 2014 (To purchase a print copy of this book for $39.99, look for the "but print copy" options at the SpringerLink site). Platform: SpringerLink
BME 211 (Panagis)
Fundamentals of electric circuits by Charles Alexander. 7th ed. 2021. Platform: Ebook Central.
BME 350 (Mays/Figueroa)
Design of biomedical devices and systems by Paul H. King. 4th ed. 2018. Platform: Ebook Central.
Biodesign: the process of innovating medical technologies by Paul G. Yock. 2nd Ed. 2015. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
BME 476 (Grotberg)
Biofluid mechanics: analysis and applications by James B. Grotberg. 2021. Platform: Cambridge core online.
CEE 501 Section 076 (Staff)
Probabilistic seismic hazard and risk analysis by Jack W. Baker. 2021. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
Introduction to catastrophe risk modelling: a physics-based approach by Arnaud Mignan. 1st ed. 2025. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
Natural catastrophe risk management and modelling : a practitioner's guide by Kirsten Mitchell-Wallace. 2017. Platform: Wiley Online Library.
CEE 501 Section 144 (McDonnell)
Fractography of ceramics and glasses by George D. Quinn. 2007. Platform: Federal Depository Library Program.
CEE 533 (Ioannou)
Probability, statistics, and decision for civil engineers by Jack R. Benjamin. 2nd ed. Platform: Knovel
CEE 543 (Garcia)
Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics by David Muir Wood. 1990. Platform: Cambridge Core.
CEE 554 (Masoud)
Bayesian reasoning and machine learning by David Barber. 1st ed. 2012. Platform: Cambridge
Machine learning : a probabilistic perspective by Kevin P. Murphy. 2012. Platform: Ebook Central
Probabilistic graphical models : principles and technique by Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman. 2009. Platform: Ebook Central
CEE 590 (MacVean)
Free-surface flow : environmental fluid mechanics by Nikolaos D. Katopodes. 2019 ed. Platform: Elsevier ScienceDirect
CEE 592 (Love)
Biological wastewater treatment by C.P. Leslie Grady. 3rd ed. 2011. Platform: Ebook Central.
ChE 341 (Burns)
Fluid mechanics for chemical engineers: with microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5 by James Wilkes. 3rd ed. 2017. Platform: O'Reilly
ChE 344 (Nikolla)
Elements of chemical reaction engineering by H. Fogler. 6th ed. 2021. (Access to this e-book is limited to 3 concurrent users) Platform: Ebook Central
ChE 485 (Allman)
Chemical engineering design by Ray Sinnott and Gavin P. Towler. 6th ed. 2020. Platform: ScienceDirect
ChE 487 (Tadd)
Chemical engineering design by Ray Sinnott and Gavin P. Towler. 6th ed. 2020. Platform: ScienceDirect
Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes by Richard Turton. 4th ed. 2012. Platform: O'Reilly
ChE 496 (Ziff)
Introduction to percolation theory by Dietrich Stauffer. 2nd ed. 1994. Platform: Taylor & Francis
ChE 528 (Thurber)
Reaction rate theory and rare events by Baron Peters. 2017. Platform: ScienceDirect
Elements of chemical reaction engineering by H. Fogler. 6th ed. 2021. (Access to this e-book is limited to 3 concurrent users). Platform: Ebook Central
ChE 696 (Ziff)
Introduction to percolation theory by Dietrich Stauffer. 2nd ed. 1994. Platform: Taylor & Francis
CHE 696 Section 006 (Goldsmith)
Machine learning with pytorch and scikit-learn : develop machine learning and deep learning models with python by Sebastian Raschka. 2022 ed. Platform: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
CLIMATE 105 (Kort)
Introduction to modern climate change by Andrew E. Dessler. 3rd ed. 2022. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
CLIMATE 524 (Bailey)
The atmospheric general circulation by John M. Wallace. 1st ed. 2023. Platform:Cambridge University Press.
CSE 574 (Cheraghchi)
Computational complexity: a modern approach by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak. 2009. Platform: Cambridge
ECE 527 (Peterson)
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices by B. Jayant Baliga. 2nd ed. Platform: SpringerLink
ECE 528 (Kanicki)
Integrated circuit fabrication by James D. Plummer. 2024 ed. Platform: Cambridge University Press
ECE 539 (Galvanauskas)
Laser physics by Peter W. Milonni. 2nd ed. Platform: Wiley Online Library
ECE 550 (Shekhar)
Elements of information theory by Thomas M. Cover. 2nd ed. Platform: Wiley Online Library
Information theory : coding theorems for discrete memoryless systems by Imre Csiszár. 2nd ed. Platform: EBSCOhost
EECS 203 All Sections
Discrete mathematics and its applications by Kenneth Rosen. 8th ed. 2019. (Access to this e-book is limited to 6 concurrent users.) Platform: Ebook Central
EECS 334 (Giebink)
Introduction to optics by Frank L. Pedrotti, Leno M. Pedrotti and Leno S. Pedrotti. 3rd ed. 2018. Platform: Cambridge
EECS 438 (Galvanauskas)
Introduction to optics by Frank L. Pedrotti, Leno M. Pedrotti and Leno S. Pedrotti. 3rd ed. 2018. Platform: Cambridge
EECS 442 (Yu)
Foundations of computer vision by Antonio Torralba. 2024 ed. Platform: EBSCOhost
EECS 475 (Cheraghchi)
Introduction to modern cryptography by Jonathan Katz. 3rd ed. Platform: Ebook Central
EECS 498 Section 002 (Forrest)
Sustainable energy : engineering fundamentals and applications by Serdar Çelik. 1st ed. 2023. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
The worst hard time by Timothy Egan. 1st ed. 2006. (Access to this e-book is limited to 1 concurrent user.) Platform: EBSCOhost.
EECS 523 (Kanicki)
Fundamentals of modern VLSI devices by Yuan Taur. 3rd ed. Platform: Cambridge University Press
ENSCEN 105 (Kort)
Introduction to modern climate change by Andrew E. Dessler. 3rd ed. 2022. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
ENSCEN 524 (Raudzens)
The atmospheric general circulation by John M. Wallace. 1st ed. 2023. Platform:Cambridge University Press.
ENTR 390 Section 101 (Heeley)
Strategic management of technological innovation by Melissa A. Schilling. 7th ed. 2023. Platform: Ebook Central.
ME 311 (Barber)
Intermediate Mechanics of Materials by James Barber. 2nd ed. 2011. (To purchase a print copy of this book for $39.99, look for the "buy it now" options at the SpringerLink site). Platform: SpringerLink.
ME 335 (Kaviany)
Essentials of heat transfer: principles, materials, and applications by Massoud Kaviany. 2011. Platform: Cambridge.
ME 335 Section 002 (Boehman)
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer by Theodore L. Bergman. 8th ed. 2017. Platform:Ebook Central.
ME 440 (Wang)
Engineering dynamics by Jerry Ginsberg. 2008 ed. Platform: Ebook Central
ME 538 (Boehman)
Internal combustion engine fundamentals by John B. Heywood. 2nd ed. 2018. Platform: McGraw Hill Access.
ME 539 (Kaviany)
Heat transfer physics by Massoud Kaviany. 2nd ed. Platform: Cambridge University Press.
NAVARCH 510 (Wei)
Energy and finite element methods in structural mechanics : SI units by Irving H. Shames. 2017. Platform: ENGnetBASE
NERS 250 (Allen)
Fundamentals of nuclear science and engineering by J. Kenneth Shultis and Richard E. Faw. 3rd ed. 2017. Platform: Ebook Central