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Tips for Using Library Search

Provides some tips and strategies for effectively using the University of Michigan Library search engine.

Emailing Record Information

You can email records or citations to your umich account with a few clicks. 

  • Log into your library account.
  • Select a single record or multiple records by putting a check mark next to a title or titles.
  • You have created a temporary list. Click on that list to see your options for emailing.

Screen shot of list options.

  • From the temporary list page, click on the Email icon. Your umich email address should be displayed. Click on the Send Email button to send the citations from the system to you.

Screenshot of the email form for sending a catalog record to an email address.

The resulting email will include record information (title, author, library location, call number, etc.) and/or links to the record so that you can access more details or the full text of a specific work.

Copying Formatted Citations

With a simple copy/paste, you can capture formatted citations for items you find in Library Catalog Search or Articles Search results.

  • Display the complete record for an item or article you want to cite.
  • At the top of the record click on the "Citation" image. A pop-up box will appear.

Screen shot from Library Articles Search, showing actions to capture record or citation data.

  • In the pop-up box, select the specific citation style you would like to use (e.g. APA, MLA).

Screen shot of an article formated in APA citation style in Library Articles Search.

  • Copy the citation (CTRL + C; Command + C), and then paste it into your Google or Word document.
  • Close on the "Close" button to return to your Library Search record.


Exporting Citations

For instructions on how to use citation management tools, see the Manage Citations with Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote research guide.

Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024 11:59 AM