From Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Includes stats calculator, critical appraisal worksheets, likelihood ratios, odds ratio to number needed to treat converter, and others.
Encompasses a wide array of pertinent medical formulae, clinical criteria sets and decision tree analysis tools used everyday by clinicians, medical educators, nurses and health care students of all types.
A collection of evidence-based medicine databases, including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, DARE critiques other systematic reviews; & CENTRAL, a repository of clinical trial citations.
An evidence-based clinical reference tool that contains clinically organized summaries for more than 3,000 topics. Remote access (i.e., off-campus) is available.
Search by Clinical Study Category & use the narrow (or specific) search to retrieve a reasonable number of results. Systematic reviews can also be found on this page.
Turning Research into Practice (TRIP) is a sophisticated tool for locating the highest possible evidence to inform clinical decisions. Results include evidence-based synopses, systematic reviews, guidelines & PubMed.