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Provides resources, strategies, and information on conducting research in Epidemiology.

Finding the Abstract

Simply click on the title of the article in the list of results to read the abstract.


Abstract page of PubMed with MeSH terms link highlighted.

The link on the right to MeSH terms can be very useful. See the Search Tip below for more information.

Search Tip - Finding More Search Terms

If you're having trouble thinking of search terms or aren't getting the results you expect, & you do find an article that is exactly  (or close to) what you want, look at how that article is indexed.  On the Abstract page, click on the MeSH Terms link in the menu on the right of the page or scroll down the page.  You'll find MeSH terms that you can add to your search to improve your results. The words that follow the forward slash are subheadings. Using them can focus your search too much, so focus on the first portion of the entry, for example, Calcium, Dietary is the MeSH term (you may want to use this term) and Administration & dosage is the subheading (you should ignore this term).

List of MeSH terms and subheadings on the article abstract page in PubMed.

In other databases, you'll see indexing terms such as Emtree (in Embase) and Subject or Subject Headings (CINAHL, Global Health) below the article title on the main search page.

MGet It - Retrieving Electronic Articles

The University Library purchases many journal subscriptions, whenever possible giving you electronic access.
The  button lets you see if an article in a database is available in print or electronically.
If the article is available electronically, you'll be taken either directly to the article or to a menu of options, where you can follow a link to the article, search the Library Catalog Search to see if we have a print copy, or request a copy from another library usng InterLibrary Loan (ILL).