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Political Science

Find political science data, articles, encyclopedias, handbooks and information about quantitative and qualitative research methods along with information on writing dissertations, publishing, and non-traditional research methods like digital scholarship

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Set up alerts to keep up-to-date

Setting up an alert can help you keep up-to-date by notifying you by email when something new has been published or added to a database. You might want to try creating an alert in the EBSCO database Political Science Complete.

At the EBSCO search screen, run a search for your topic.  When you have some search results that are just what you're looking for, click on the Alert/Save/Share link near the top of your results list.

EBSCO Search Alert

In the pop-up box that appears, select E-mail Alert to enable email delivery. Create an account with EBSCO. You'll receive citation lists on a regular basis, depending upon the options you selected on the alert form.  Note: it's important that you check your Junk or Spam email box/folder for misdirected messages from EPAlerts.

You can also select searches that you have conducted during a search session as alerts.  Click on the Search History link above your search results list to view your searches during the current session.  Put a check mark next to one of the searches, and then click on the Saved Searches/Alerts link above your search history.

EBSCO Search History/Alerts

You'll be prompted to log into your EBSCO account. Again, at the Saved Search/Alert screen, complete the form, selecting the Alert option to receive email alerts regarding your search terms.


Google Scholar email alerts

Google Scholar allows you to set up alerts for new results matching your search.  Alerts come out several times per week.  To set up an alert:

  • Refine your search until it brings back results you like.  (You can search for keywords, items citing a known item, items by a specific author, etc.).
  • Click the envelope icon at the top of the screen
  • Set your preference for whether you want to receive up to 10 or 20 alerts per message, and specify the email address to receive the alerts.
  • You will receive an email to confirm that you want to set the alert.

Detailed information on Scholar Alerts is available in Google Scholar Help


Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 11:36 PM