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Anthony Davis’s X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X

Provides resources to support further examination of the issues discussed at the symposium series, Anthony Davis’s X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X, hosted by the U-M School of Music, Theatre and Dance.


This is a guide designed to help you locate information and materials related to Black music (focusing predominantly on Western art music), Black composers and performers, and Malcolm X. It is not a complete bibliography, but rather indicates key resources and types of materials that may be useful when seeking information in these areas. It can act as a starting point for your research and as a reference point that you can revisit in the future.

Many items listed are available in the Music Library and other libraries on campus. Consult the Library Catalog for complete holdings information and availability of materials. If you need assistance, a librarian will be happy to help you. Also, if you have recommendations for other resources not owned by or accessible through U-M Libraries, please let us know.

Selected Subject Headings

Below are some examples of subject headings which may be useful when searching or browsing in the Library Catalog.

To search subject headings in the Library Catalog, go to the "Advanced" search page and select Subject in the pull-down menu next to the search field. Enter any one of the headings in the list below into the search field. Use quotes around phrases for more precise results.

"African American composers"

"African American women musicians"

"African American women composers"

"Musicians, Black"

"Composers, Black"

"African American conductors (Music)"

"Women composers, Black"

"X, Malcolm, 1925-1965"

"Music by African American composers"

"X, Malcolm, 1925-1965 -- Drama"

"Music by African American women composers"

"African American Muslims"

"African Americans -- Music"

"Black Muslims"

"African Americans -- Music -- Bibliography"

"Nation of Islam (Chicago, Ill.)"

"Blacks -- Music -- Bibliography"

"African American political activists"

"African American women authors"

"African American civil rights workers"

"American literature -- African American authors"

"African Americans -- Civil rights -- History -- 20th century"

"African Americans -- Songs and music"

"African Americans -- Politics and government -- 20th century"

"Spirituals (Songs)"

"Civil rights demonstrations -- United States -- History -- 20th century"

"African Americans -- Civil rights -- Songs and music"

"Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century"

"African American singers"

"United States -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century"

"African American gospel singers"

"Black nationalism -- United States -- History -- 20th century"

"African American musicians"

"Black power"

Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 11:31 PM