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Musical Theatre Resources

Provides suggested resources for musical theatre research at the University of Michigan.

Musical Films & Television

Barrios, Richard.
A song in the dark: the birth of the musical film.
PN 1995.9 .M86 B37 2010

Barrios, Richard.
Dangerous rhythm: why movie musicals matter.
PN 1995.9 .M86 B36 2014

Baxter, Joan.
Television musicals: plots, critiques, casts, and credits for 222 shows written for and presented on television, 1944-1996.
ML 2080 .B391 1997

Bradley, Edwin M.
The first Hollywood musicals: a critical filmography of 171 features, 1927 through 1932.
PN 1995.9 .M86 B731 1996

Creekmur, Corey K. and Linda Y. Mokdad, eds.
The international film musical.
PN 1995.9 .M86 I58 2012

Donnelly, K.J.
British film music and film musicals.
ML 2075 .D66 2007

Dunne, Michael.
American film musical themes and forms.
PN 1995.9 .M86 D861 2004

Grant, Barry Keith.
The Hollywood film musical.
PN 1995.9 .M86 G68 2012

Hillier, Jim and Douglas Pye.
100 film musicals.
PN 1995.9 .M86 H45 2011

Hischak, Thomas.
Film it with music: an encyclopedic guide to the American movie musical.
PN 1995.9 .M86 H571 2001

Hischak, Thomas.
Through the screen door: what happened to the Broadway musical when it went to Hollywood.
ML 1711 .H421 2004

Kennedy, Matthew.
Roadshow!: the fall of film musicals in the 1960s.
PN 1995.9 .M86 K46 2014

Kniffel, Leonard.
Musicals on the silver screen.
PN 1995.9 .M86 K56 2013

Knight, Arthur.
Disintegrating the musical: Black performance and American musical film.
PN 1995.9 .N4 K591 2002

Marshall, Bill and Robynn Stilwell, eds.
Musicals: Hollywood and beyond.
PN 1995.9 .M86 M87 2000

Muir, John Kenneth.
Singing a new tune: the rebirth of the modern film musical, from Evita to De-lovely and beyond.
PN 1995.9 .M86 M851 2005

Sala, Massimiliano, ed.
From stage to screen: musical films in Europe and United States (1927-1961).
PN 1995.9 .M86 F76 2012

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 11:14 AM