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Provides resources, strategies, and information on conducting research in Kinesiology.

Global Market Research

Many resources specialize in US markets and you may need to consult beyond these to find information on consumer preferences, trends,  corporations, and industry leaders outside of a US context. Some resources to consider are included here.

Tips for Harvard Business Review

1. Access articles in HBR through the Business Source Complete database

2. On the platform, type Harvard Business Review in the search box

3. Select SO Publication Name from the "Select a Field (optional)" menu to the right of your search

4. Add additional search terms on the second line - or - search for all articles you can access with a search for the publication name alone. Click Search.

5. A search for Harvard Business Review (with no other search terms) will result in approximately 34,000 results as of 8/2023.

Finding Information about a Company

Finding Information about an Industry

Other Recommended Article Databases

Books & Encyclopedias

Related Research Guides

Kresge Business School Library

The Kresge Library is open to the U-M community. Students and faculty not affiliated with the Business School cannot check out materials from the library, but can use resources in the library.

The Kresge Library is currently under construction. For updates, follow the Kresge Blog.