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Interprofessional Education and Practice

Electronic books about IPE simulation

E-book chapters about IPE simulation and case studies

Journal articles about IPE simulation and case studies

The following articles may help inform the development of new interprofessional clinical scenarios and case studies. The links will take you to the abstract view in PubMed. Please use the MGetIt button to access full text.

Nexus Resources

The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education maintains a resource center. Check out these simulation resources, which include toolkits, learning modules, and more! 

Teaching with Simulations

Teaching with Simulation Lessons from University of Washington Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice is designed to help instructors teach effectively with simulation. The eighth module is "Designing and Leading IPE Sessions."

More articles about IPE simulation

There is an increasing number of articles about IPE simulations, mostly about the implementation and assessment of specific scenarios or tools. Here's a PubMed search for IPE simulation to give you a starting pool of results; you can edit the search to meet your specific interests via the search box at the top. 

For help searching, reach out to your Informationists! 

Below is an RSS feed of new articles about IPE simulation.

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Last Updated: Dec 17, 2024 8:38 AM