Evidence synthesis refers to any method of identifying, selecting, and combining results from multiple studies.The type of evidence synthesis, or literature review, that you conduct depends on the type of project that you are doing. Literature reviews fall along a spectrum in terms of being systematic, with systematic reviews requiring every aspect of the methodology to be systematic, and narrative reviews, which do not require every aspect to be systematic. No matter which search methodology best matches your project's needs, you can still take a systematic approach to strengthen your review.
The chart below is a useful guide to differences between methodologies at each end of the spectrum: a systematic review and a narrative review.
To learn more about the different types of literature reviews consult this article, A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies, which defines 14 types of reviews. There is a helpful summary table on pp. 94-95.
If you're not sure what type of review is right for your quantitative review, use this tool to find the best types of review: https://
Systematic Review |
Literature Review |
Search strategies must be replicable
Search strategies do not need to be replicable
Follow specific search methodologies that ensure comprehensive results
Searches vary in how comprehensive they are
Require a significant time commitment
Take much less time
Typically retrieve high number of results
Retrieve lower number of results
Require a team
Can be completed by individuals
Does not use a protocol |
Adapted from Penn State Hershey