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Caribbean Art and Visual Culture

Resources for Caribbean Art and Visual Culture.

Introduction to the Exhibit

In May 2013,  Kai Alexis Smith was an Association of Research Libraries Career Enhancement Fellow at the University of Michigan and worked in the Fine Arts Library, among other libraries within the system. One of her tasks was analyzing and developing the collection of Caribbean Art books within the University of Michigan collection. In addition, she organized an exhibit of art books entitled "Identity and Politics in Caribbean Art".  Attached is the introduction to learn more about the exhibit and the reading list of monographs featured in it.

This page will feature the items exhibited in the display as well as the artists. 

The exhibit will be available for viewing in the Fine Arts Library, 260 Tappan Hall through the Fall Term of 2013. 

Curated by: Kai Alexis Smith

Fellow, Association of Research Libraries Career Enhancement Program

University of Michigan

May-June 2013  

Contact info:


ARL CEP Project Presentation

Below, you will find the final projects presentation Kai Alexis Smith, presented July 5, 2013. It includes all the projects she worked on while a ARL CEP fellow at the University of Michigan.

With in this Prezi presentation (in the second portion), there is a description of the resasons why she decided to do the Idenity and Politics in Caribbean Art exhibit and more information about the artists acompanied with videos on a few of the artists' works. The links in the Prezi are active. 

Caribbean Art from Special Collections

Ruth Behar, Poemas que vuelver a Cuba/ Poems returned to Cuba. Mantanzas, Cuba: Vigia, 1991. Designed by Rolando Estevez.

Inscribed by Ruth Behar to Victor Perera, Ann Arbor, 1995. University of Michigan Special Collections. Gift of Victor Perera.


This is a list of artists featured in the exhibit. Some are linked to websites where you can learn more about them and others are linked to the Mirlyn catalogue for more resources on them.

Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 12:38 PM