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Children's Literature

Resources to assist researchers, and School of Education and School of Information students by providing U-M Library children's lit resources in one place. It also includes other external helpful resources.

Children's Literature Collection

The purpose of the Children's Literature Collection is to provide a collection of children's and young adult literature to support the curriculum of the University of Michigan's Residential College, School of Information, and School of Education.  A significant role of the collection is to give future students access to a rich and dynamic collection of children's and young adult literature that can be used to supplement and enrich education plans and classroom teaching experiences.  Because its primary purpose is to support the University curriculum, it will not preserve all titles of cultural or historical significance or collect comprehensively in any one area of interest.

The Children's Literature Collection was originally designed as an award winning collection.  A portion of the original collection was donated by the School of Education.  

The Children's Literature Collection consists of education and recreational books appropriate for pre-school through grade twelve students; these materials include, but are not limited to, classics, picture books, wordless picture books, early readers, folk literature, fairy tales, mythology, modern fantasy, poetry, plays, fiction, and nonfiction. 

Special consideration will be given to the inclusion of award-winning books and authors, as well as books written about Michigan or local Ann Arbor culture, or by Michigan authors and illustrators.  In addition, any books requested by professors for courses they are teaching will be included.

Last Updated: Dec 3, 2024 11:01 PM
Subjects: Humanities