Use Articles Search to locate scholarly and popular articles on all topics full text online, as well as reference works and materials from open access archives.
Contains over 100,000 annotated references to articles from over 450 design and craft journals published worldwide; plus data on over 46,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, firms, etc.
Combined access to 80+ ProQuest databases -- a great place to get started looking for articles on lots of different topics. Contains popular and scholarly material and lots of full text.
Searches for scholarly documents across many platforms and gives you links to full text when available. (Click on titles or look for "Availability at UMichigan" links).
Access to over a half-billion articles from more than 125,000 journals, newspapers and magazines. ArticlesPlus is similar to Google Scholar but everything you find within it should be fully available full text online.
Where to find art journals & magazines in print
Current magazines and journals are located on the second floor of the Art, Architecture and Engineering Library. Older journals are bound together by year or volume and shelved in the stacks.