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Art & Design

Provides information about basic art and design resources at the University of Michigan.

Finding Books

Find U-M owned books on art and design in U-M Library Catalog Search.

To find books owned by other libraries, try searching in WorldCat. Books not owned by U-M can be requested via Interlibrary Loan by selecting the "Request via ILL" button in WorldCat.

Book Locations in the Art, Architecture, & Engineering Library

  • AAEL Book Collection, Call numbers A - NA 5999 - Third floor of the Duderstadt Center
  • AAEL Book Collection, Call numbers NA 6000 - Z - Second floor of the Duderstadt Center
  • AAEL Reference: Reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries relating to Art are located on the second floor of the library.
  • AAEL Reserve: Some books are kept at the Reserves Desk. These generally can be checked out for 2 or 4 hours. Just ask at the reserve desk on the second floor of the library.
  • AAEL Storage: Because of their size, age, and/or condition, some books are kept in a storage space in the lower level. These books can be used in the building. Just ask a staff member at the Reserves Desk and the book will be paged for you.
  • AAEL Special Collections: Some books in our collection, such as artists' books, are considered rare and are therefore kept in our Special Collections space in the lower level. To use these books, please contact Jamie Vander Broek to arrange an appointment.

Artists' Books

Comic Books & Graphic Novels in the Art, Architecture, & Engineering Library

Comic books and graphic novels are a popular as well as an important part of the University of Michigan Library's Collection. Some professors have incorporated comics and graphic novels into the curriculum. They serve the university on many levels including literary, cultural, artistic and political. The Art, Architecture and Engineering Library houses a growing number of comic books and graphic novels. Most of this collection is available on the lower level of the Duderstadt Center in the PN 6000 call number range. The collection's strengths include independent comics, mini-comics, international comics and other unusual materials. For further information see the Library Guide to Comics.

Cover image of the graphic novel "A Child's Life And Other Stories" by Pheobe GloecknerCover image of "The Best of American Splendor" by Harvey PekarCover image of "The Complete Crumb" by R. Crumb

Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 11:38 PM
Subjects: Arts