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Bourbaki finding aid at Shapiro Science Library

The name Nicolas Bourbaki (BOO-BAK-kee) is a pseudonym for a group of mathematicians in France who in 1939 began to publish an influential survey of mathematics, the Élements de Mathématique. (Halmos, Paul R. 1957. Nicolas Bourbaki. Scientific American 196: 5 (88-99).)


Finding these volumes in the Shapiro Science Library by searching Library Catalog Search can be daunting. Following, is a quick guide to assist you in browsing the shelves to find the chapter you need.

  • Élements de Mathématique (QA 3 .B77 4th floor Science Library)
    • The Élements de Mathématique by Nicolas Bourbaki (a pseudonym chosen by a group of young French mathematicians) begins in 1939. All of the Bourbaki volumes published in France that are a part of the Élements de Mathématique oeuvre are located on the 4th floor of the Science Library at call number QA 3 .B77.
  • Addison-Wesley English translations of Élements de Mathématique (QA3. B773 4th floor Science Library)
    The Addison-Wesley English editions of selected volumes of Bourbaki are as follows and are located on the 4th floor of the Science Library at call number QA 3. B773 :
    • Theory of sets (section 1)
    • Algebra (section 2)
    • General topology (section 3)
    • Groups and Lie Algebras (section 7)
    • Commutative Algebra (section 8)
  • Springer-Verlag English editions of selected volumes of Élements de Mathématique
    • Elements of the History of Mathematics (Élements d'histoire des mathématiques) at call number QA 21 .B7713 1994
    • Algebra (Algèbre) Chapitres 1-7 at call number QA 155 .B68213 1989
    • Commutative Algebra (Algèbre commutative) Chapitres 1-7 at call number QA 251.3 .B6813 1989
    • General Topology (Topologie générale) Chapitres 5-10 at call number QA 611 .B65913 1989M
    • Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Groupes et algèbres de Lie) Chapitres 1-3 at call number QA 387 .B6513 1989
    • Topological Vector Spaces (Espaces vectoriels topologiques) Chapitres 1-5 at call number QA 322 .B6813 1987
  • Séminaire Bourbaki Textes des Conférences (QA1. P24 and QA1.P24a 4th floor Science Library)
    • The Séminaire Bourbaki Textes des Conférences begin in 1948 and continue through 1976. They were published in Paris by the Sécretariat mathématique. These volumes are on the 4th floor of the Science Library at call number QA1. P24
    • Springer-Verlag published Séminaire Bourbaki Textes des Conférences as facsimiles of the second edition of the French publication of the Séminaire Bourbaki années 1-20, 1948/49-1967/68, then from 21-33 année 1968/69 to 1980/81 the Séminaire Bourbaki are also numbered in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Mathematics. These volumes cover annees 1948 through 1980-81, exposés 1-578. All of the Springer-Verlag Séminaire Bourbaki volumes are located on the 4th floor of the Science Library at call number QA1.P24a
  • Séminaire Bourbaki in Astérisque (QA 1.A86 4th floor Science Library)
    • From année 34 1981/82 the Séminaire Bourbaki has been published in Astérisque by the Société mathématique de France. These volumes are located on the 4th floor of the Science Library at call number QA 1. A86.
Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 1:16 PM
Subjects: Science