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Genealogy Research

Highlights some items of genealogical interest available throughout the library in various formats.

Census Records at Hatcher

The Hatcher Graduate Library has a variety of census-related materials with more than 4000 titles containing the word census in its holdings. Many of these, however, deal with statistics concerning the assorted Federal Censuses and typically are not of interest to genealogists. To locate relevant census-related materials, the following subject headings may be useful.

  • CENSUS -

In addition, the advanced search feature of the catalog for the university library system, can be used to selectively identify census-related materials in specific areas of the Graduate Library or in various formats (books, microform, etc.). Also, the Government Documents Center at the University of Michigan provides additional information on census information for genealogists at

Materials might be available for Interlibrary Loan. Check with your local public library concerning the procedure for requesting items by Interlibrary Loan.

General Resources - U.S. Census

Selected Bibliography of Census Resources for Genealogists in the Hatcher Graduate Library: