Several architecture journals are available online as well as in print.
Consult the following sources to find El Croquis, A+T, and Detail.
Spanish architecture journal, El Croquis
In print at call number NA 5 .C71 [issue no,]
For instance, the issues on SANAA (no. 139 (2007) and no.155 (2011)) are at call number NA 5 .C71 no.139 and NA 5 .C71 no.155.
Spanish architecture journal , A +T: revista trimestral de arquitectura y tecnologia
In print at call number NA 5 .A22 or current journals shelf
German architecture journal, Detail: Zeitschrift für Architektur und Baudetail
In print at call number NA 2835 .D41 or current journals shelf
Search for online journals using our Online Journals Search
Finding books published as part of a series can be difficult. A series is different from a journal or serial. Generally each book within the series has its own theme and title. For instance, the series Clog, includes books with such titles as Rendering, National Mall, Prisons, etc. The easiest way to find books published within a series (especially when you don't know the title of the book) is to use the Advanced Search option. Enter the series name and use the pull down arrow to select Series as your search index. Two popular series titles with architectural themes are Clog and Pamphlet Architecture.
The most appropriate database for finding articles on architectural subjects is the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals.
The Avery Index and other relevant databases for your research are listed here:
In many cases, databases focusing on engineering will be better suited to your architectural technology questions. If you are working on issues of construction, structures, or materials, try these databases.