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Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences

This guide provides a starting point for research in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences.


Search for journal articles, conference papers, and research reports in these databases. For a complete list of databases for NERS, please see our Database List.

OSTI Searching Tips


Science, technology & engineering research information funded by DOE

Separate Code explorer
Separate Data explorer

  • logging in allows saved searches & alerts for new research
  • OSTI allows researchers to connect their ORCID ID
  • allows some normal database syntax like quotations: “nuclear reactor”
  • but uses something called “semantic search” meaning searching for wind energy will also search for wind turbines and geothermal energy 
  • boolean operators (AND OR NOT) are IGNORED, unless you use the Advanced Search, which does not have a dedicated page
  • open Advanced Search using the green arrow icon in the search bar

INIS Repository Searching Tips

The largest collection of published information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science + technology around the globe

The INIS Repository covers all areas of IAEA’s activities, including nuclear engineering and technology, nuclear safety and radiation protection, safeguards and non-proliferation, applications of nuclear and isotope techniques, nuclear and high energy physics, nuclear and radiation chemistry, nuclear applications in life sciences, legal aspects, and environmental and economic aspects of nuclear and non-nuclear energy sources.
  • logging in to "Nucleus" allows saved searches & alerts for new research
  • consider clicking "Limit to results with full text" before running a search, due to the amount of citation-only entries
  • allows normal database syntax like quotations “nuclear reactor”, parentheticals, and boolean operators AND OR NOT
  • Advanced Search is not a traditional syntax database search, but does allow complex search construction
Things to keep in mind while searching INIS:

Search results are sorted by Relevance by default. Each time a search is run it will default to Relevance sorting. To change the sort  method, click on Date, and use the down arrow to "sort by newest first" and the up arrow to "sort by oldest first." 

Note: It can be confusing, but Relevance = blue means it is not the active sort method. Date = black means it IS the active sort method. Ditto for the up and down arrows.

Due to the international coverage of INIS, consider always using the language filter to limit to the languages you can read.

Use the Expand All option at the top of the results list to explode open the Abstract of each article. Keywords in the abstract from the search query will appear bold and highlighted. Click Collapse All to close the Abstracts.

INIS is a bibliographic database, so many entries contain only bibliographic citations and not full text. Each entry has an icon indicating the format of the entry. See below for an explanation.

 Icons Explanation of Icons

DOI = Digital Object Identifier

These entries will resolve to the DOI link from the article, often a publisher's landing page and the full text.

EXT = External Resource

These entries link out to an external resource, usually a webpage or conference homepage, will rarely have full text available.

META = Metadata

These entries contain metadata about the article only, no full text PDF, no DOI. Common for international conference proceedings.

PDF = Portable Document Format

These entries will link directly to the PDF of the article in a new window.

If interested in an entry without a full text PDF to read, copy-paste the citation and ask the Nuclear Librarian for help.

Last Updated: Jan 2, 2025 11:41 AM
Subjects: Engineering