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English 313: Topics in Literary Studies/Makman

Provides resources for Lisa Makman's English 313 courses which are taught every Fall (Fantasies of Childhood) and Winter (Children's Literature and the Invention of Modern Childhood) semester.

Winter 2024 English 313 Library Resources

There were many materials shared with ENGLISH 313 students during a library workshop.  This link will take currently enrolled U-M students to a Google Document that includes information about the slides, activity sheet, and handout from the session.  In addition, there are other "history of the book" materials listed on the page.  Finally, you can schedule a consultation with Angie Oehrli, Children's Literature Librarian, using the link on that page.  

The History and Technology of Western Book Illustration

Books on the History of Children's Literature

Theoretical Frameworks of the History of the Book