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Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Resources relevant for the study of the Middle East (Southwest Asia) and North Africa from the ancient to the modern period

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  • Arabic language 
  • Arabic literature
  • Arabic poetry 
  • Arabic fiction
  • Civilization, Arab
  • Arab countries

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Handwritten Heritage : Arabic Texts in Manuscript

Handwritten Heritage : Arabic Texts in Manuscript
A selection from the Islamic Manuscripts Collection preserved in the University of Michigan Library
التراث المخطوط : نصوص عربية مخطوطة
مختارات من مجموعة المخطوطات الاسلامية المحفوظة في مكتبة جامعة ميشيغان
Exhibit featuring a selection of prominent Arabic writings from the classical and post-classical periods among the holdings of the Islamic Manuscripts Collection preserved in the University Library. Carefully transcribed copies of classic literary works by al-Mutanabbī (d.965), Abū al-ʻAlāʼ al-Maʻarrī (d.1057), and al-Ḥarīrī (d.1122) appear alongside influential grammatical, scientific, and mystical writings - even a text on musical theory and performance. Offered in conjunction with the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA) celebration of Arab Heritage Month. Last held March-April 2018
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 12:38 PM