World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is the Bank’s official open-access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
All journal articles published by WB will be available after the publisher's embargo. All contents are open to the public.
The OKR contains thousands of research works, including:
World Bank Group Annual Reports and Independent Evaluation Studies
Books published by the World Bank Group, including flagship publications, academic books, and practitioner volumes;
All World Development Reports (WDRs) plus recent WDR background papers;
Journal articles published in World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), two journals published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank;
Accepted manuscripts of Bank-authored journal articles from selected external publishers (after an embargo period if applicable);
Metadata and links to Bank-authored external journal articles;
Serial publications (typically data-intensive outlook reports);
Policy Research Working Papers (PRWP)—a series of papers that disseminate findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues;
Selected other papers of high research quality;
Economic and Sector Work (ESW) studies are a series of analytical reports prepared by bank staff. ESWs gather and evaluate information about a country’s economy and/or a specific sector;
Knowledge Notes, providing short briefs that capture lessons of experience from Bank operations and research;
The latest Country Opinion Surveys were done in client countries to provide feedback on World Bank Group activities.
Selected translated titles.
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