Consists of roll calls voted upon in the United Nations. It includes votes of the General Assembly, five additional special sessions and selected committees. It is a composite of political debate and world opinion of the post-1945 international community.
Provides multiple datasets with annual and infra-annual labor market statistics for over 1000 indicators and 230 countries, areas and territories. Open to public.
Records in NATLEX provide abstracts of legislation and relevant citation information, and they are indexed by keywords and by subject classifications NATLEX contains over 80,000 records covering 196 countries and over 160 territories and subdivisions.
The domains covered are agriculture, education, energy, industry, labour, national accounts, population and tourism. For more details, please read UN data guide.
Provides international trade statistics, detailed by commodity and partner country, for over 130 countries. Commodities are classified according to SITC and the harmonized system (HS). UM User Only.
UNIDO maintains a variety of databases comprising statistics of overall industrial growth, detailed data on business structure and statistics on major indicators of industrial performance by country in the historical time series. Currently INDSTAT4, INDSTAT2, IDSB, and MVA databases are available. UM user only.
Provides free access to comprehensive statistical time series and indicators essential for the analysis of world trade, investment, international financial flows, and development.
Provides time-series and cross-sectional data relating to hunger, food, and agriculture for approximately 245 countries and 35 regional areas from 1961 through the present. It also offers an innovative tool, FAOSTAT analysis, for basic statistical analysis of the data.