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US and State Policy Research

Sources for tracking current developments in politics, policy, bills, laws or court cases for the U.S.federal government and states

Starting Research on US Policy? Look for a CRS Report

Starting Research on State Policies? Search NCSL for an Overview

Find an Association

One way to figure out what policymakers are doing in an area is to find their professional associations. Think about what level or branch of government and then search for a national association devoted to that group. Once you find the association see if you can find a resource or issues page

Another way to find association information is to use domain searching. In google, search for your keyword and then include site:[domain url]. The example below is searching for covid-19 information from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Image of domain searching in Google


Here are other examples of associations

Use Domain Searching in Google

Search for information from a government or organization by using Google domain search. Enter your keywords and then add site:[url of website]

This can be useful also when looking for information from the military (.mil) or a state (Michigan is or a city (Detroit is

Last Updated: Feb 26, 2025 10:36 AM