Welcome to the Women and Infants Hospital Midwifery Research Guide! After communicating with Arline Dyer, a health sciences librarian at the Women and Infants Hospital, the OB Initiative was invited to make a copy of the Midwifery guide and make it available to the public through the OB Initiative Resource page. The guide is made viewable through the University of Michigan, which is why it mostly includes the citations of the resources and not direct links to the resources. Some of the resources are available to the public through databases such as PubMed and public websites. However, because of copyright restrictions, the other resources would need to be accessed through another institution. If you have questions about gaining access to a particular resource, please contact me.
The Midwifery Division at Women and Infants Hospital is an academic midwifery practice focused on clinical excellence and medical education. This program is one of the first to concentrate on the inter-professional education of medical students, obstetrics and gynecology residents, this year welcoming the addition of family medicine residents. The core aims of this program are to: educate medical students, obstetric and family medicine residents; participate in providing clinical services in obstetric triage, labor and delivery, postpartum and gestational diabetes clinic; provide additional educational and mentoring opportunities for learners; and advance the academic mission.
The Midwifery Division is well represented in key leadership positions on both a state and national level, including the American College of Nurse-Midwives Medical Education Caucus, the American Midwifery Certification Board, The Editorial Boards of The Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health and the Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, the Rhode Island Department of Health Midwifery Advisory Board.
Left to Right:
Kristin Bova, Admin. Assistant
Elizabeth Kettyle, CNM, MSN, MPH
Linda Hunter, EdD, CNM, FACNM
Elisabeth Howard, CNM, PhD, FACNM
Alexis Lopez, Volunteer
Janet Singer, CNM, MSN
Linda Steinhardt, CNM, FNP-C, PhD, FACNM,
Edie McConaughey, CNM, MS