Sharing research data with collaborators:
LabArchives allows users to share research data with other authorized users. Content can be designated as read-only or editable, and can be shared with individuals or custom groups.
Group privileges not customizable for individual members:
When creating custom groups for content access, be sure to set privileges that are appropriate for all group members. LabArchives does not allow application of less inclusive rights to individual group members. For example, if a group has read and edit privileges, individual group members cannot be assigned read-only privileges.
Shared content includes:
In general, the recipient of shared content will be able to navigate at the level shared (e.g., folder) and the level(s) below (e.g., pages and entries) within your notebook.
Sharing mechanisms:
LabArchives offers three tools for sharing data with collaborators, including an email function, direct URL, or by using "@username" mentions.
Sharing sensitive data:
See the "Handling Sensitive Data" page of this guide for more information on sharing sensitive data.
Publish in a data journal:
Peer-reviewed data journals deliver datasets to target audiences and allow for future citation of your datasets. See recent articles from Data in Brief (below) for examples.
LabArchives is not intended for archival storage of research datasets. Consider archiving your data in a dedicated research data repository for stable long-term access and preservation.
Deep Blue Data
Deep Blue Data is the University of Michigan Library's data repository. Deep Blue Data provides access and preservation services for digital research data developed through research activities at U-M.
NIH data sharing repositories
The NIH supports several data repositories for secure data storage and/or reuse. Most repositories accept submissions of appropriate data from NIH-funded investigators (and others), though some are restricted to specific research networks.
R3Data is a large repository of data repositories on the web.
LabArchives allows users to "sign" notebook pages, indicating the final version of the page. Once a Page has been signed, it is "frozen" and no additional data can be added or edited. The notebook owner can assign signing permissions to administrators, users, and guests in the User Management settings.